3+1 U.S. blows to Erdogan’s Turkey…

President Biden ends decades of US appeasement of Turkey Anastassios Tsiplakos - Managing Editor

Turkey VS Europe forced Bundeswehr inspection off Libya to be canceled…

Despite the threat of sanctions, Turkey is provoking, one more time, serious new tensions with Germany and the...

Secretary Pompeo’s legacy: He let Turkey and Russia know what Washington really thinks…

The last days, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo harshly blasted Turkey’s increasingly questionable role in the alliance....

Recep Tayyip Erdogan: Like a lorry in downslide without brakes…

Turkish Finance and Treasury Minister's Berat Albayrak resignation from his post, is the latest episode of Turkey's economy...


In the after COVID-19 era, the Libyan civil war continues to be a highly complicated geopolitical issue of extremely significant...

France, Turkey, NATO & Libya…

Why France classes with Turkey over Libya and departs from "Sea Guardian" France sent a...

OP “IRINI”: The Force that watched arms go by incompetent or unwilling to take...

Turkey advances in Libya humiliating U.N. and E.U. resolutions Anastassios Tsiplacos - Managing Editor

Italy-Greece EEZ: An audible Greek diplomatic answer to Turkish provocations

The signed agreement on maritime boundaries was seen as a clear message to Ankara regarding Greece’s diplomatic clout...

Turkey plans an “Energy Invasion” in Eastern Aegean Sea…

Ankara in an apparent bid to entrench what it sees as its rights in the Aegean and the...

The unknown war in Eastern Aegean Sea…

Hellenic Coast Guard police Europe's eastern sea borders against Turkey's hybrid war, which "weaponizes" the poor migrants in...