The Conference
Greek Shipping Sumit “2020: The wind of change in Global Shipping”
which will take place on Wednesday June 5, 2019 at Eugenides Foundation in Athens aims to highlight all those policies that will help strengthen the role of the shipping industry as the most important, environmentally friendly and more economical way of transporting goods.
Ministers of Shipping-Maritime-Energy-Trade, of the most important maritime countries in the world, experts from Greece and the international market, shipowners, shipbuilders, brokers, insurers, lawyers, economists and academics will present the new route of the shipping industry after 2020.
You may view the whole event and program here:
The Special Session: “Geopolitics, Energy & Shipping”
Dedicated to the analysis of Geopolitics, Energy & Defense issues, we organise a Special Session, within the “Greek Shipping Sumit 2020”, about the New Geopolitical Environment, Security of Energy & Defense and how these interact with Shipping in the South East Europe – South East Mediterranean axis, concerning all the major stakeholders of the region.
This Special Session* aims to answer the important strategic questions in this region by putting data at the heart of the discussion. We shall address the key questions affecting the region through the lens of geostrategy-geopolitics, routes, deals and defense.

The Environment
The Southern Gas Corridor –a chain of linked pipelines across the South Caucasus, Turkey and the southern Balkans, culminating in Italy– which will supply 10 bcm/year of Azerbaijani gas to Southern Europe and beyond, is on track to open in 2020.
The energy situation in Europe looks more dynamic today than it has been in many years, with a number of projects competing for investment and market share. However, the outcome for medium-to-long-term European energy security will be contingent on which projects manage to materialise first.
Simultaneously, the discoveries of rich natural gas reserves in the South Eastern Mediterranean have offered a reason for smiles both to the countries of the region and Europe as well as the rest major stakeholders of the energy market. These discoveries have prompted the re-planning of the European energy policy and the development of ambitious plans to export these quantities of natural gas to Europe.

At the same time, several ongoing issues threaten the exploration, production, and transit of energy resources in the axis of South East Europe – South East Mediterranean. Ongoing territorial disputes between several Balkan, especially, as well as East Mediterranean states, could hinder exploration and development in the region.
The security requirements of critical infrastructures such as offshore drilling rigs -either fixed or floating- underwater drill sites, underwater pipelines for connecting the rigs to the drill sites, pipelines transporting the gas produced from platforms to the coast, such as the proposed EastMed and EuroAsia Interconnector ones, make up a very extensive energy infrastructure grid, extending across the axis of South East Europe – South East Mediterranean, suggest the need for enhanced security and defense measures.
The Agenda
Our Special Session* shall address issues such as:
• Competing for the gas supply to Europe: Active and future pipeline projects. Assessing the opportunities and predicting winners. Alternative Scenarios and Policy Perspectives
• Constructing and Implementing EU’s South Corridor: From geopolitical and supply concerns to climate goals and renewable energy investments
• Security and defense challenges of the new energy routes: Impacts of LNG trade on energy geopolitics and Energy Security. Physical security and cybersecurity for pipelines and LNG facilities
• Transportation, Ports and Logistics: Priorities in boosting energy infrastructure capacities. oil and gas transportation and storage infrastructure challenges
• Financing the new energy routes: Securing financing and creating an enabling environment for the investments. The EU support for Eastern Mediterranean energy projects
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*There will be limited number of seats, so register now!